13 September 2022
Spring was in the air. The room was beautifully adorned with colourful spring flowers on each table. We were so happy to be attending this function once again for the 16th year hosted by Maureen and Sophie. The last was in 2019 and then there was the pandemic!
President Maureen Thornett welcomed our guests including representatives from the Child Abuse Units acknowledging that it was Child Protection Week and giving a brief outline of the work of the Cornucopia Committee. Maureen’s welcome included our Guest Speaker Samara Noble CPU Service Counsellor as well as Rachel Wolfe, Manager PARVAN Services (integrated prevention and response to violence, abuse and neglect). Samara later gave a presentation on Herbie and his contribution to the Child Protection Unit. We were delighted again to have Herbie “our guest of honour” back for the 2nd time, taking a day off from his essential caring duties at the CPU’s. Much loved by our guests.
Welcomes also included Milliner extraordinaire Neil Grigg who introduced the models in our Fashion Parade and Ryan Clifton, our long standing auctioneer.
Following a delicious Royal Oak lunch we were treated to the glamorous fashion parade by Strelitizia and Trelise Cooper. The models, clothing and hats were stunning. A spirited auction followed with all items including our raffle, contributing well to our fund raising.
As the afternoon drew to a close, Maureen thanked our guests for their support, Neil, Julie and Moira from Strelitzia, Val Edwards for her models, Ryan Clifton, our sponsors including Peter Andrews, Andrews Meats, Toby Foodlink, Warwick Brook De Bortoli Wines, Saskia Glandiflora for the gorgeous flowers, our Committee members and the hard working staff on the day.