Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

60 Years
60 Years

Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

60 Years
Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

Cornucopia Christmas Lunch 2024

7 December 2024

Our venue at 160 Macquarie Street looked magnificent. Tables were decorated by the Committee in Christmas fashion with placemats outlining the menu and activities for the day on each table including Auction and raffle prizes, making for a very festive occasion.

The event began with pre-lunch refreshment and entertainment of conservatorium music by Grace Newton & Jagger Alexander Eber organised by our member Karlene.

Maureen, Sue and our host David Herlihy, met with our Guest of Honour Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley and proceeded to the Members Function Room.

Maureen welcomed our guests including representatives of the Child Protection Units and our Guest Speaker Detective Sergeant Tiffany Duane from the NSW Child Protection Squad.

Following Maureen’s speech, we then heard from Her Excellency, The Honourable Margaret Beazley.

A heartfelt speech by Her Excellency related experiences from her time as Judge in relation to Child Abuse and complimented the Cornucopia Committee on the ongoing contribution we continue to make after 60 years.

Cornucopia’s annual cheque presentation was made to representatives of the Child Support Units which we support.

  • SCH Westmead Robyn Lamb – Project Head, Violence, Abuse and Neglect at CPU Westmead
  • SCH Randwick – Lydia Garside Senior clinician
  • RNSH Juanita Tiernan – Counselling Service Manager
  • RHWF Donna Garland – Head of Royal Hospital for Women

Robyn Lamb expressed her sincere thanks and appreciation of our continued work and support.

Following a delicious Christmas entrée and luncheon, the day continued with further important features of our day.

Maureen introduced our Guest Speaker, Detective Sergeant Tiffany Duane who gave an amazing speech on her extensive work and experience of Child Abuse in her role. Her speech was also heartfelt, and our guests were held spellbound as she related her stories.

Both Her Excellency and Sgt Tiffany Duane were warmly thanked and presented with bouquets of flowers.

The day proceeded with Ryan Clifton, our esteemed auctioneer for over 20years, conducting the auction and followed by the Committee running the raffles.

We also had the pleasure of a mini fashion parade by Anna Schmidt who with a keen eye for fashion discovered the potential of using and embellishing vintage military jackets and denim. They were a great hit and sold quickly.

All in all a very pleasant and successful fundraising Christmas event.

Maureen thanked our host David Hurlihy and his team including Ana and John, for a magnificent function and concluded by thanking the Committee and supporters, wishing all a joyous Christmas and Happy New Year both filled with love and laughter.

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The Cornucopia Committee invites you to a Christmas Lunch

The Cornucopia Committee invites you to a Christmas Lunch

Great auction & raffle prizes to be won!


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