Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

60 Years
60 Years

Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

60 Years
Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

2016 Reception at Government House

Reception at Government House, Thursday 13 October 2016.

NSW Government House

At 6.00 pm Our Patron, Mrs Linda Hurley and His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d) Governor of New South Wales, hosted a Reception in support of the Cornucopia Committee Inc.

The reception was attended by many of our sponsors and long time supporters of the Cornucopia Committee who enjoyed refreshments in this historic environment and its magnificent gardens.  Throughout the evening, our guests were escorted on tours of Government House by enthusiastic members of their staff who shared their knowledge of its history.

Mrs. Hurley addressed our guests in a very unusual and charming manner.  She had written a speech which she committed to music, and then sang, accompanied by piano and violin. We were all delighted at the beautiful way in which Mrs. Hurley acknowledged and complimented the work of the Cornucopia Committee throughout her composition. Our guests were truly delighted and Mrs Hurley was thanked sincerely by our President, Mrs Dorothy Ryan OAM.  A very special event which was enjoyed by all!

Little Girl

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The Cornucopia Committee invites you to a Christmas Lunch

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