Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

60 Years
60 Years

Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

60 Years
Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

2022 Bollywood Evening at Manjits

Sunday 27 March

Given continuing difficult times with Covid, we were more than happy that Manjits could accommodate us once again – this year for an evening event, commencing at 5.30 pm.

The room looked beautiful and the atmosphere was a very vibrant and cheerful. We were all so happy to be out and about at such a lovely function.

Our President, Maureen Thornett welcomed our guests including representatives from the Child Protection Units we support, and acknowledged all those who helped to make the event a success.

Two Social Workers from Royal North Shore Hospital provided us with an overview of their work at the hospital.

Manjits surpassed themselves with their wonderful food and staff, and accompanying De Bortoli wines were enjoyed throughout the evening.

Neil Grigg displayed a creative selection of his hats, in conjunction with his hat donation. A spirited auction followed, conducted by Richard Davies, with good result.

The Bollywood dancing girls were beautiful in their exotic red and gold, encouraging guest participation, which is always a lot of fun.

Photos of the evening can be seen at in the website Gallery section.

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