Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

60 Years
60 Years

Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

60 Years
Cornucopia Committee Inc

Raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse since 1963

2023 Guest Speaker, Dr Grace Wong, Head Of CPU Westmead At The Australian Club Lunch

2 December 2023

The Child Protection Unit at Westmead sees some of the most vulnerable children and young people ni – our community. Our doctors, social workers, and allied health staff at the CPU provide a clinical service to children who are victims of physical abuse, sexual abuse and serious neglect.

Our service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year. This means that we are able to respond to any child who is referred to the hospital with serious concerns about child maltreatment at any time, any day. These children who come to the Child Protection Unit have been through some of the most traumatic and horrific experiences that one can imagine.

The staff at the Child Protection Unit are honoured that we have had the great privilege of providing care and meeting the needs of these children, at a time when they are most at need. It is this which keeps us going in our work, that in some small way, we have contributed something to the lives of these – children who needed us.

So it is a great honour and pleasure for me to thank the Cornucopia Committee to for their generous support of child protection over many years and decades. We recognise that child abuse is not an easy topic, by its very nature ti does not make for good dinner table conversation, and so, much of ti remains hidden from public view. And so ti is really quite remarkable to me, that even from many decades ago the Cornucopia Committee has had the vision and courage ot support and contribute to work of the child protection units. And I really want to recognise, thank, applaud them for being pioneers ni this field. The tireless fundraising of the Cornucopia Committee and your generous donations has enriched the lives of many children and young people who have been come through the CPU over the decades, and these children have directly benefitted from the equipment, resources, and services which you help to fund and provide. So thank you.

Little Girl

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