4 October 2023
Following an acknowledgement to country, President Maureen Thornett along with Sophie, warmly welcomed our guests and representatives of the Child Protection Units. Our Guest Speaker was Dani Frisch, Social Worker from the Child Protection Unit at Sydney Childrens Hospital Randwick.
The room looked spectacular with spring flowers at each table. The atmosphere was happy as friends gathered in anticipation to enjoy the day. We were not disappointed. As ever the Royal Oak Lunch was absolutely delicious accompanied by wine from De Bortoli, the staff were amazing.
The Fashion Parade followed, featuring the gorgeous models showcasing unique fashion pieces from Moira of Strelitzia and Hats by Neil Grigg. Our guests were well entertained.
Then to the serious fundraising which also included a significant and unexpected donation from the ATC. Ryan Clifton again briskly conducting the Auction, followed by our guests enjoying a range of raffle prizes.
At the conclusion of a beautiful day, Maureen thanked our guests for their ongoing support, as well as Moira from Strelitzia, Neil, Val Edwards for her models, Peter Andrews (Andrews Meats) for supplying the Lamb, Foodlink for the Seafood, Wines by Debortoli, Flowers by Grandiflora, Potts Point donated by Tina Melick. A special thank you also to our Committee Members and the hard working staff.